The HuDDleFish Technology
HuDDleFish is the most powerful, full-featured, easy-to-update church website on the planet. Our technology has been designed from the ground up to make it drag ‘n’ drop, point ‘n’ click easy to give your staff and the members of your congregation the power to create and update their own ministry pages.
HuDDleFish gives you total control over every part of your church website. Need an interactive forum? Just drag it onto your web page. What about audio, video, surveys, photo albums, or prayer requests? HuDDleFish includes over 60 power tools you can drag onto your page and position wherever you want. Want to change the page layout, the graphics, the content, the colors? With HuDDleFish it’s so easy even a senior pastor could do it.
HuDDleFish gives you total control over every part of your church website. Need an interactive forum? Just drag it onto your web page. What about audio, video, surveys, photo albums, or prayer requests? HuDDleFish includes over 60 power tools you can drag onto your page and position wherever you want. Want to change the page layout, the graphics, the content, the colors? With HuDDleFish it’s so easy even a senior pastor could do it.

The HuDDleFish Team
We're not a giant corporate vending machine that spits out websites. We’re real people who will partner with you to make your ministry thrive. Once your website is up and running, we’ll keep on working with you to help you make it better and better and better.

John B. Olson, Ph.D.

John first came up with the idea for the HuDDleFish architecture while working at his home church in San Leandro. The staff at the church were completely overloaded. They wanted to do discipleship and raise up new leaders, but recruiting, training and managing volunteers was so time-consuming that they usually defaulted to doing everything themselves. John realized that if he could create easy-to-use software that helped recruit, train, and manage volunteers – and that also gave the volunteers the tools they needed to do their work – it would have a HUGE impact in the church. And thus HuDDleFish was born.

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